I figured I ought to try to get another posting done soon just to let you all know what's going on in our world. Connor and I are now back in Colorado - Andrew, Connor and I started out our LONG road trip back on August 12th - the day after we celebrated our 4 year anniversary, not that we did much (next year hopefully we'll do something crazy fun!). We left about 1pm in the afternoon on Friday, made it to St. Louis that night, and then Saturday at 10pm local time pulled into my parents drive way and then collapsed into bed. We felt like we made good time, considering how many times we had to stop for some pregnant lady and so that Connor didn't go crazy.
Andrew left that Sunday afternoon, but not before we got to meet the newest member of the Zwickl family. His brother Adam and his wife Jamie had a baby on August 1st, so we stopped by their house to meet Reid. Very tiny! You forget how small they are. Andrew's parent's were in town, as well, and they got to see both their grandsons. Connor adored Reid - which makes me all the more excited for him to be a big brother. He's going to be such a good big brother.
It's been a busy summer for weddings for us. We were invited to four within a two month window, and I went to another one with my sister. The last one is literally one week after we have our baby, so unfortunately, we will not be able to make it. Andrew did make it back the weekend after we drove back to CO for his friend Scott's wedding reception on the 18th, so it was nice to see him again. He's coming home for Labor Day weekend Saturday morning, leaving Monday night, and then coming back in on Thursday night, since we have to check in to the hospital at the unearthly hour of 6am on Friday, September 9.
Speaking of the hospital, we do have most things ready for the baby. I say that probably to make myself feel better. I haven't packed a bag for the "stay" (the baby knows that we're having a scheduled C-Section, right?), organized the temporary bedroom he and Connor will be sharing until we make it back to Coraopolis, haven't gotten the pack and play from storage... etc. But, at least we're scheduled for surgery. Obviously, I've got a lot to get done in the last week before the baby makes his appearance.
So, I'm at 38 weeks now. I'm tired. I'm sore. I'm tired. I'd love to sleep in a position without feeling a sharp pain in my hip/leg. And I'd really like to sleep on my side. I miss bending over. And sitting in a seat without 19 cushions. But, all in all, the pregnancy hasn't been that bad (of course, it's easy to say that with one week left, right!). It did not go a smoothly as Connor's, and we obviously had a totally different set of events going on with Andrew in PA and us in CO, and this baby firmly settled on my nerves, but thankfully, everyone has been healthy and there were no complications. So we are very lucky and blessed to have had that. But seriously - I'd love to sleep...
When we came back from PA, I did end up going back to work for my old boss for a few weeks - she'd finally hired someone who started literally the day after we got back into town. So, what initially was supposed to be a few hours a day, a few days a week, turned into a bit more because there was so much to do and apparently, I'm addicted. I officially stopped working again on Tuesday, my last day, because Maria had to start working and couldn't watch Connor for me. I did bring some work to do at home, but now I'm going to try to "relax" and get ready for the baby for the next week.
I do have a ton to do, as I mentioned, but I also have to try to find Doctors for us to go to in Coraopolis, as well (so if anyone knows of a good OB/GYN and pediatrician in the eastern Pittsburgh area near Coraopolis, please let me know! It's incredibly intimidating to see 15 pages of names to look at... and pick one!). As I said before, we're not totally sure how things will happen at the end of September/beginning of October, but we are tentatively planning to "recover" for four weeks or so before heading to PA. Of course, nothing is set in stone, so we'll see.
On an exciting note, we did have a Sprinkle for the baby last weekend - instead of a full on shower, we just had a smaller celebration for the new baby. It started out as a surprise for me, but then Shannon and Mom decided that since I lived here, it would be a tad bit difficult to explain what they were doing as they cleaned and made enough food for an army (we still have some left overs - let me know if you want a pinwheel or some queso!). It was really nice to do something special for this one, especially since I just feel like everything has been a little chaotic (our own fault, of course - we could have just moved to PA way back in April and it would have been totally different... but that would have been just too easy!). So I have some cute new things for our baby, and some gift cards that we'll use in PA since we won't be able to transport much when we head back. Andrew and I are really very appreciative of our wonderful family and friends.
Not too much else is going on right now, so I guess I'll go ahead and start uploading pictures. :) We'll catch up again in about a week - hopefully, we'll be able to get pictures up of our new addition soon after he's made his arrival. Stay tuned!
As I continue to be too lazy to try to fit these pictures into the dialogue, here are some of the things we've been up to the past month.
Connor showing Uncle Adam the neat app for the Jedi Light Saber. This is where Uncle Adam decided he needed this app on his phone, too. As an aside, I think babies are born with phones now. Connor knows how to work my phone almost better than me!
Baby Reid Matthew Zwickl
Aunt Heather & Baby Reid
Connor with his Godfather
Connor at the Botanical Gardens at Chatfield - the reception site for Scott and Amanda's wedding. He had so much fun running around! I, on the other hand, was less than pleased about the mosquito bites on my belly - and I was wearing a long dress!
Our attempt at a family picture too late in the night.
We went to the Denver Museum on the 20th. Andrew and Connor tried docking the space shuttle together - Connor was a little more distracted by everything else.
Andrew then became determined to get it docked - once his engineering brain determined how the little fans on the sides worked!
Successfully docked within the lines. He was quite pleased.
This is a really cool table that spins the Earth bigger or smaller - again, Connor lost interest before the adults - Shannon and I couldn't stop spinning it and watching as the pole was huge, then small... then huge... It was ridiculous. :)
Connor and a Pirate display... we probably shouldn't have done it, but it was too hard to resist. I wonder if someone from the Museum saw it they'd revoke our membership?
Connor's skeleton - sort of. The old Hall of Life has a new name and a ton of new stuff. This skeleton (or muscle or nerve screen) moved to match your body movements. Connor was fascinated.
They also have a display that records you running - or in my case, slowly walking - and your image. Connor had to be held back so that we all could do it without having two images, as was the case with Andrew's image, which kept fluctuating between them. In case you were wondering, my energy score was a 1. Surprised? Neither was I. Though my waddle was much more pronounced than I thought it was!
Connor - obviously much smaller than the dinos we'd come to see.
Andrew is so good about my need to take our picture. His radiant smile says it all. Secretly, I think he likes taking pictures as much as making me crazy because I just keep taking it until I have a good one.
Or until my mom grabs the camera and makes him smile - sort of.
Pirate Connor, discussing "Captain Hook" - who he is most excited to meet when we go to Disney next year. He's very good at showing you the "hook." And in case you didn't know, Captain Hook is waiting for us.
The amazingly awesome watermelon baby carriage my mom made for the shower. Tasty!
Baby Miles - getting so big!!
Connor showing Ella his Tag Leap Frog - they played so well together!
And all smiles!
The extremely delicious and pretty cake.
My helpers.
The second funniest thing? My "Look! Monkey's in the hood" double meaning comment.
The funniest? All the aunties arguing about which one was being to refered to by the bib. :)
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