Ethan Thomas Zwickl
September 9, 9:23 am
7 lbs 11 oz, 19 3/4"
If you haven't heard yet, we have a new member of our family!
Ethan managed to wait until the scheduled C-section on September 9th. To be ironic, after we "checked in" and I was hooked up to everything, I actually started having contractions at a somewhat regular interval. Of course, at the time, I was just wondering why I was getting really uncomfortable pains, but the nurse clued me in when she came in and said, "Hmm. The baby didn't like that contraction." Apparently, Ethan a) was very sure he was going to be born on the 9th, and b) like his brother, had a heart rate that declined with each of my (little) contractions. So I guess it was a good thing we were already there and ready for a C-section!
I will say that this time, the whole thing went a little smoother than last time - since it wasn't an emergency. Everyone who wanted to see us before the surgery was allowed to hang out - and there was quite a party going on in my room before hand. Both Andrew and my mom changed into their scrubs to accompany me in the OR, and my doctor got started a little after 9 am. It took them slightly longer this time to open me up due to the scar tissue on the inside of my abdomen, but at 9:23 am, I heard the sweet sound of a crying baby with a healthy set of lungs.
Andrew and Mom had to leave with Ethan shortly after his birth, and unlike last time, I stayed awake for the "put the mommy back together" part. I didn't see anything (other than a blue sheet!), but it was kind of interesting to hear them count all their tools ("Scissors - one, two, three, four... where's five?" "Oh! Here's five!"), and I'm glad to say that everything was accounted for - and not left inside me! My recovery was in the regular OR instead of the maternity, due to a shortage of something (I was never sure if it was nurses or space, but the ward was really not crowded), so it delayed my getting to be with everyone again, and they couldn't bring Ethan down for me to nurse him. But, about an hour later, they had me in our room and I got to hold my newborn again.
Nursing this time, I'm pleased to say, is going much better. And my milk came in much sooner, as well, so Ethan didn't lose as much weight as Connor did (Ethan's low, the night before we left, was 7 lbs 1 oz - don't worry, at our first check up last week, he was already up to 7 lbs 3.4 oz). We had a ton of visitors, and it was a nice stay, but we couldn't wait to get home. We were able to check out on Monday, and have been slowly working ourselves into a routine. (Poor Connor didn't like that Mommy AND Daddy weren't home at night, but the new bed time book Auntie Shannon bought for him, "How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight" really made bedtime easier).
I had thought that Ethan might "come" with a cell phone (as my not-quite-3 year old can work my phone almost better than me) or a helmet (since his big brother is... well, let's call him tough), but neither item was clutched in his hand when he was born. He did, however, come with a tooth. I know - very odd. But when he was born, he had a small bump on his gum, lower left, and it baffled the staff, which of course, was not super reassuring. But, the general consensus was that it was most likely a tooth. When we went to the pediatrician for his check up, he also wasn't sure, so he sent us to get x-ray's at the hospital across the street. It took a little longer than we would have liked, primarily because they had to discuss how to do an x-ray on someone so small (Ethan was 5 days old), but they confirmed that it was a tooth and it did have roots (had it not had roots, they would have pulled it so it did not come loose and go down his throat). Long story short, Ethan, and his tooth, are doing well. :)
I'm doing mostly okay - because of the scar tissue, as I mentioned, it's going to take a bit longer for me to heal completely. I can't pick up Connor, which is hard, and it's difficult to constantly remind him not to jump on mommy. I get sharp pains on the left side of my incision, but my doctor told us this is just the nerves regrowing. Andrew has decided that it means we should celebrate each time I'm in pain because "Yeah! My nerves are regrowing." This does make laughter through tears possible. :) The first couple days were the hardest - holding Ethan while I'm trying to get up is still not the best idea. But we're getting better, and if I go slow, I can carry him up and down the stairs. But I definitely see the difference between the first recovery and the second - and this one is definitely slower.
Connor is thrilled to be a big brother. He wants to hold Ethan all the time, and gives him kisses and "pets" him. He really loves to call him "sweetheart" and when Baby Ethan cries, tells him "It's okay, It's okay" or "Don't cry, Baby Ethan, I'm right here." Every morning, he says, "Good morning Baby Ethan!" and then turns to me and says, "I said Good Morning to Ethan!" We do have to remind him not to push on him and that he needs to be gentle (he's also obsessed with Ethan's eyes - and tried to help him open them, much to my dismay). But Connor really does adore him. He didn't like Ethan's umbilical cord (or, "belly cord" as Connor called it), and he got a little worried the first time he saw me nursing Ethan (and then lift his shirt and asked if he could nurse him, too). And now he talks about how when he was born, he was little like Ethan. All in all, he's really adjusting well to having a new baby brother.
Andrew came home Thursday night, the 8th, and was able to stay until this past Sunday (the 18th), and it was really good to have him home. He got to spend a lot of time with both of his boys, which hopefully will tide us over until we see him in three weeks when he comes back. Our plan now is to head back to Pittsburgh the weekend of October 14th - and then we'll all be together for a long time.
Well, that is the update for now. Enjoy the pictures! :)
I think this one is my favorite. :)
Daddy, Connor and Ethan. Connor LOVES holding Ethan - and has even tried to do it all by
himself. Poor Ethan will have to be tough.
Hanging out at the hospital.
Some of our "visitors"...
Nana & Ethan
Grandma & Grandpa
Adam & Jamie - Jamie is also holding their baby, Reid, as well as Ethan.
Jamie & Heather, with all three of the Zwickl grandchildren.
Reid is HUGE compared to Ethan.
Reid is HUGE compared to Ethan.
Grandma & Ethan
Brittany, Elizabeth & Ethan
Shannon, Connor, Ethan, Heather & Maria
Sleepy Connor and Daddy
Big Brother and Little Brother taking a nap.
You'd almost think we posed them this way.
Our Family