Tuesday, May 20, 2008


We had our sonogram appointment last week. It was so neat to see the baby move, especially since I wasn't feeling anything. We got to see the size of the head (and if you ask me, I saw that it was measuring small - but maybe that was wishful thinking on my part!) and what the estimated due dates were based on the different measurements. Everything went really well. Here's a picture of the baby's face - pretend he's looking at you, laying down, with his head to the left. I think our baby is adorable. :)

We saw the spine, the kidneys, two arms and two legs, and the four chambers of the heart. We saw the arms moving, and the hand was even on the face for a minute, so I think our baby was getting in some thumb sucking time! The baby kept moving around, and a lot of times, he was moving into better positions for the technician to do her measurements. When it came time to try to get that heart, though, he was pretty stubborn, and she kept trying to poke the baby so that he would move. And then it worked, and we got to see what we needed (which was totally reassuring!). We also decided to find out what the baby was... and... we're having a boy! :) So now the real debate for names is on. We've got a few months to figure it out, but it's good to have half the names removed from the list. :) Maybe we'll actually have something picked out before he's born!!

I did feel a little bit of movement yesterday. It's really very weird. Andrew got to feel some of the kicking, but it's still really faint. The best decription I could come up with is like being on a ride, and going really high, and that feeling that you get in your stomach. He was active in the early morning yesterday, and then last night, and then nothing today until about now (just after dinner). It's still really nice to feel the little movements - I'm looking forward to them - but I'm sure that eventually I'll just want him to sleep. :)

Some other exciting news... Brittany's little daughter is the cutest baby in the whole wide world (and because we're having a boy, she can be my favorite girl for a little bit longer!). Ella Jean joined us on May 3rd at almost 11:30pm. She's so cute (have I said that yet?). She was 7 lbs and 2 oz, and 20 3/4 inches long. I wish I had some pictures to put up, but I'm apparently the bad Auntie and don't have any pictures. So we spent almost all day at the hospital, giving me a glimpse of what I'll be doing in a few more months! I think the baby is fine where he is! :)

Andrew's sister Ellen graduated from college last weekend. I got to take the day off (my first official paid vacation day since I've celebrated 6 months at Fitness Together now) and we went up to Fort Collins for her ceremony. So no more graduations for us for a while. Hopefully, his own graduaton from the UCD graduate program isn't that far away. Andrew is 7/16ths of the way there. :) He's taking the summer off so that we can get the house ready for the baby, and then starting back up two nights a week at the end of August.

One final note - our ten seconds of fame (if even that!). We went to the Rockies game last night agains the Giants. Our seats were in left field, and there was quite a bit of action when Clint Barmes hit his homerun out there - it basically landed under the feet of one of my coworkers. Andrew couldn't catch the ball, and I was frantically trying to grab it, and the guy behind me was trying to reach over me... Basically, I was folded in half (the baby did not like that!). Eventually, my coworker's husband got the ball, but we made it to the Rockies website - in a way. If you check out the link, you'll see the highlight of the game, and if you look hard, you can see Andrew in his black Rockies t-shirt, and the guy (in red) is crushing me. I'm fine by the way - but it's totally awesome to see it and know that was us! :)
